New Year, Renewed Hope

Wednesday, February 3, 2021 11:11 AM

So what does one say about 2020 except GOOD RIDDANCE?   I don’t now about anyone else, but I am so glad it is done.  Unfortunately however, 2021 isn’t starting off with a lot of good feelings.  

First, of course, is that mask wearing goes on.  I did make masks for Christmas season, I mean that is my main source of activity as we hunker down in the state that now has the highest infection rate in the country!   Somehow that’s not a “We’re Number 1” slogan to champion. Our only bright outlook is the we may be on the list to get vaccinated by next week.  There is an advantage to being old, I guess.


We got each other a Christmas Gift - New Mugs that are from our favorite news hosts. Obviously very smart liberal hosts, but then that’s how we grew up so no one should be surprised!

Dave is a fan of the Mandalorian Saga and especially Baby Yoda - my sister sent him one!  Dave sent an animatronic version to Megan to use as a show and tell item with her young students at school also!   And he got me a new RGB shirt.  She was such an inspiration for a lot of women all over the world.


And Dave really liked his Christmas card - and yes, after 54 years we still are flakes that belong together.  


Hopefully next year we won’t celebrate Christmas by ourselves but will celebrate with our friends.  We are looking forward to next fall and being able to have get togethers, go to concerts, go out to restaurants again, and have life return to something like normal.  But I’ll keep all of our masks handy for next flu season and for the next new virus that we know is only a few years away!

We hope everyone is looking forward to a better New Year.

Here’s our wishes for a Happy New Year for you:

Boston Dynamics

Seattle Space Needle 2021